In March 2023, the Dublin Adult Learning Centre (DALC) took over the delivery of the Active Citizenship Voter Education programme from Sr Bernadette McMahon and the Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice (VPSJ) who had been running it nationally for almost three decades. 

Our Active Citizenship Voter Education programme is an excellent participative programme that is based on sound principles of justice and equality. 

We are continuing this work to encourage people to engage with society through informed voting, gain a better understanding of how democracy works and help people influence key decisions that affect their lives and communities.

DALC provides adult education programmes to ensure that everyone in the North Inner City has the opportunity to avail of their right to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Our vision of education is student centred and community based; promoting equality and transformative change to help people reach their potential to participate fully in society.

In our experience, people with literacy difficulties or people who are excluded and margainalised are often not registered to vote and do not exercise their right to vote. It is important for the participation of all citizens to have a voice and an equal say in the democratic process.  Exercising your right to vote is essential to this. 

Visit for more information on DALC.